My mother Anna Marie would make Baked Lemon Chicken often. It was a favorite of my brothers and mine. Its even better the next day cold or chilled for a picnic!
When I was making this my son Lucas asked me if I was making pizza, the aroma of the herbs filed the house. This is so good you will want to make it again and again!
Make this for Sunday dinner and serve it with some penne pasta and a fresh green salad!
I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!
Anna Marie's Italian Baked Lemon Chicken (print recipe)
1 bunch chopped Italian Parsley
Small bunch oregano chopped
Small bunch basil chopped
1 tbsp black pepper
1 tbsp salt
1/4 cup Romano cheese grated
1/4 cup Parmesan cheese grated
15 oz seasoned Italian breadcrumbs, you may also substitute with plain bread crumbs as well
Combine all ingredients and set aside
Egg wash
5 eggs
1/ 2 cup milk
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1 tbsp olive oil
1/2 tsp minced garlic
Whisk all ingredients together
Anna Marie's Italian Baked Lemon Chicken
2 cups all purpose flour to coat chicken
1 1/2 sticks sweet butter to butter the bottoms of the pans and to dot the top of the pieces of chicken
I used 2 - 3lb cut up frying chicken
Breading recipe above
Egg wash recipe above
5 lemons
Preheat you oven to 350 degrees
Butter the bottoms of your baking pans
Put the flour, egg wash and breading in suitable sized shallow containers
Using your left hand for wet and right hand for dry lift the chicken and dip into the flour coating it completely then place it into the egg wash. Now use your wet hand to wet the floured chicken piece completely then place it into the dry breading.
Now take your dry hand and coat the chicken pushing the breading into the chicken. be sure to coat the pieces of chicken completely.
Transfer the pieces of chicken onto the buttered pans skin side up. Separate the thighs wings and legs from the breasts, the breasts take longer to cook.
Once all the chicken is panned, juice the lemons and remove as much seeds as possible, the seeds taste bitter so get them out. Now spoon or squeeze the lemons over the chicken evenly and place the squeezed lemons in between the chicken.
Take your softened butter and dot each piece of chicken, larger pieces get more butter.
Place the chicken into the oven and set the timer for 30 minutes when the timer rings pull the chicken from the oven and turn the
pieces, use a spatula so the breading does not come off; then remove the lemons. Set the timer again for another 30 minutes.
Continue to bake the chicken till the pieces reach 170 degree internal temperature. I pulled the wings, legs and the smaller
thighs 10 minutes early.