Feast of San Gennaro from Bill on Vimeo.
Italian Festivals
If your friends of family ask you when the Feast of our lady of Mt. Carmel is now you can tell them. Thanks to our friends at Italiansrus another great site you should check out!
Camerata di Colombaia
This music festival is held in the Comune di Stia, which is located in the region of Tuscany. Check the Web site for dates, times and locations.
Canton Italian Festival
This annual event takes place at the Stark County Fairgrounds in Canton, Ohio. Visit the Web site for dates, itinerary and additional information.
Carnevale It precedes the Lenten season and is part of the biggest festival on earth.
Feast Days and Holy Days
This calendar lists the feast days for Saints, holy days and Liturgical Calendar of the Roman Catholic Church.
The Feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
The Our Lady of Mount Carmel Society sponsors the longest running Italian festival in the United States and Hammonton, NJ since 1875.
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